Our Nat'l Seal - Front

Our Nat'l Seal - Front

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Our country has just been founded and it's off to a great start. We are in the process of deciding how to govern ourselves. I'm leaning towards a democracy, but Ray wants to have a military dictatorship. I like the idea of conquering the world...

We are going to divide our country into 10 districts, each of which is 10,000 square miles. Each of these districts will elect 3 Board Members to the Board of the People. Each district will also divide itself into districts that are not based on size, but on population. For each 100,000 people, the district will have one sub-district. These sub-districts will each elect 2 Board Members to the Board of the Districts. These 2 boards will propose laws that must be approved by the Presidents, that is Ray and I. However, we may also make laws. They must be approved by 60% of the overall board and 51% of each board. That is how our legislative branch shall be made.

As for the executive branch, it is made up of Ray and I, and that's that.

The judicial branch will be set up slightly later, but for right now, it is composed of Ray and I, and those we appoint.

That is part 1 of our government and is the way we shall be run until we amend our Constitution. (oh, did I mention that that is what this is?)

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