Our Nat'l Seal - Front

Our Nat'l Seal - Front

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Daily Life in Americano

Every citizen is required to wake up at 7:00 AM. From 7-9 they are required to be above ground doing something. School and work start at 9, and go to 12 PM. From 12-1 the people have lunch. Work then resumes until 5 PM. The citizens are then free do to anything they want to. On Saturdays, all citizens are required to train for war during 7-9 AM.

At the age of 18, if you do not work, you will go into the military, if you can. If they cannot go into the military, they have 2 years to live, and then they are euthanized. They do however, get to choose how they die. We do not have an age limit, except that if you can no longer be productive and are not over 70, you are euthanized.

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