Our Nat'l Seal - Front

Our Nat'l Seal - Front

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Geography of Americano

Americano is a very large peninsula, that is as large as Australia. There are several surrounding islands where our naval bases are. Our only connection to the outside world is a network of cell towers that connect via underwater cable to the rest of the world. We get our energy from solar, hydroelectric, and coal. We have a wall around our coast. There is a watch tower every 1/2 mile. We also have underwater bases connected by submarine. Our houses are all 20 feet underground, and they are connected to a stockpile of food and water. NORAD monitors the skies for nuclear missles and automatically closes all the doors to the houses upon the discovery of an impending attack. We do not have any form of transportation, that way we have a well trained civilian militia (TO OCCUPY MAEGAN'S COUNTRY!!!!) We will have an automatic driller that will go 150 ft. underground upon the discovery of an impending attack.

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