Our Nat'l Seal - Front

Our Nat'l Seal - Front

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Conquering the globe quickly
Owning all n00bies


Action Plan

1 Conquer other countries
2 Dominate the international economy
3 Take over Meagan's country

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Everything that is not prohibited by law is left up to the individual's choice.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Daily Life in Americano

Every citizen is required to wake up at 7:00 AM. From 7-9 they are required to be above ground doing something. School and work start at 9, and go to 12 PM. From 12-1 the people have lunch. Work then resumes until 5 PM. The citizens are then free do to anything they want to. On Saturdays, all citizens are required to train for war during 7-9 AM.

At the age of 18, if you do not work, you will go into the military, if you can. If they cannot go into the military, they have 2 years to live, and then they are euthanized. They do however, get to choose how they die. We do not have an age limit, except that if you can no longer be productive and are not over 70, you are euthanized.

The Geography of Americano

Americano is a very large peninsula, that is as large as Australia. There are several surrounding islands where our naval bases are. Our only connection to the outside world is a network of cell towers that connect via underwater cable to the rest of the world. We get our energy from solar, hydroelectric, and coal. We have a wall around our coast. There is a watch tower every 1/2 mile. We also have underwater bases connected by submarine. Our houses are all 20 feet underground, and they are connected to a stockpile of food and water. NORAD monitors the skies for nuclear missles and automatically closes all the doors to the houses upon the discovery of an impending attack. We do not have any form of transportation, that way we have a well trained civilian militia (TO OCCUPY MAEGAN'S COUNTRY!!!!) We will have an automatic driller that will go 150 ft. underground upon the discovery of an impending attack.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Everyone is allowed to choose whom they wish to marry and raise a family with through the first-come, first-served plan. People may be whatever religion they want to be. People are encouraged to celebrate their culture, but they are also taught that the are a citizen of Americano, and not of their old country. We will all speak English, as it is the "universal" language. All citizens are given the same chances and rights as all other citizens, but what they choose to do with those chances is entirely up to them.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Our country has just been founded and it's off to a great start. We are in the process of deciding how to govern ourselves. I'm leaning towards a democracy, but Ray wants to have a military dictatorship. I like the idea of conquering the world...

We are going to divide our country into 10 districts, each of which is 10,000 square miles. Each of these districts will elect 3 Board Members to the Board of the People. Each district will also divide itself into districts that are not based on size, but on population. For each 100,000 people, the district will have one sub-district. These sub-districts will each elect 2 Board Members to the Board of the Districts. These 2 boards will propose laws that must be approved by the Presidents, that is Ray and I. However, we may also make laws. They must be approved by 60% of the overall board and 51% of each board. That is how our legislative branch shall be made.

As for the executive branch, it is made up of Ray and I, and that's that.

The judicial branch will be set up slightly later, but for right now, it is composed of Ray and I, and those we appoint.

That is part 1 of our government and is the way we shall be run until we amend our Constitution. (oh, did I mention that that is what this is?)